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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Twistors and TGD.cmap, stringy version of twistorialization because induced spinor fields are localized to 2-D string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces, induced spinor fields are localized to 2-D string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces by well-definedness of em charge for spinor modes, TWISTOR APPROACH TO TGD is motivated by the fact that if fundamental fermions are massless and, TWISTOR APPROACH TO TGD requires stringy version of twistorialization, TWISTOR APPROACH TO TGD suggests that the replacement of point-like particles with partonic 2-sur- faces implies the exis- tence of an extension of 2-D superconformal symmetry to infinite- dimensional 4-D sym- metry having Yangian extension, TWISTOR APPROACH TO TGD is motivated by the unique twistorial properties of M^4xCP_2, stringy version of twistorialization allowing to resolve the old problem due to the fact that stringy fermion- ic propagator carries fermion number in TGD, Twistor Grassmann approach which has led to breakthough in N= 4 SUSY and relies on 4-D conformal invariance having Yangian extension, TWISTOR APPROACH TO TGD is motivated by the fact that and if bosons emerge as pairs of wormhole contacts consisting of fermion-anti-fermion pairs, TWISTOR APPROACH TO TGD is motivated by Twistor Grassmann approach which has led to breakthough in N= 4 SUSY, and if bosons emerge as pairs of wormhole contacts consisting of fermion-anti-fermion pairs then residue integration over virtual momenta reduces generalized Feynman diagrams with fermion lines to diagrams with on mass shell fermions having non-physical helicities and propagator replaced with its inverse, if fundamental fermions are massless and then there are good hopes about BCFW type recursion formulas for stringy variants of twistorial amplitudes using twistor Grassmannian, and if bosons emerge as pairs of wormhole contacts consisting of fermion-anti-fermion pairs then there are good hopes about BCFW type recursion formulas for stringy variants of twistorial amplitudes using twistor Grassmannian, to resolve the old problem due to the fact that stringy fermion- ic propagator carries fermion number in TGD and achieve manifest UV and IR finiteness, if fundamental fermions are massless and then residue integration over virtual momenta reduces generalized Feynman diagrams with fermion lines to diagrams with on mass shell fermions having non-physical helicities and propagator replaced with its inverse